Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Nous sommes toujours là!!

Not sure if you have been following this, or even realize that it occurred, but we are still here. Preliminary results look positive, but will the 'god particle' actually be discovered? Stephen Hawking made a $100 bet that it wouldn't...the largest, most expensive experiment in history.

Since we are discussing experiments, I am interested in testing this medium of communication...the blog. I am in the process of formulating a specific goal and mission; what I hope to communicate and achieve, but I plan on a weekly posting. The form will mostly likely be random thoughts and outlandish claims, but I want to test the limits of our acceptance, question our beliefs (or lack thereof) and stimulate action so that we can all continue growth to our ultimate selves, not being confined in fear or expectations, not limited by critics or doubters. I yearn for us to break through walls, every moment, to feel that victory of discovery, of deeper understanding of a clearer purpose, and a more meaningful sense that we are all one.

One quick thought to start: Consider cell phones (and please indulge me a little as this is our first work out). You power on a piece of plastic and metal. You speak into it. The device converts your audible voice into and radio wave and sends it into the air (where it is now inaudible). It is directed to another specific plastic/metal device that converts and transmits the wave back into an audible voice sounding exactly like yours...and this occurs instantaneously. Ok, I am not completely confident in why or how this is successful. I don't fully understand it, but since it seemingly works effectively and consistently, I will concede and accept it.

Allow me to take this to another level. please consider that our brains are electrical and chemical testing labs, synapses fire, hormones, chemicals and vitamins create a delicate balance of stimuli and translation. We are 70% water. Yet is has been proven that our minds can send electromanetic signals and perceive electromagnetic fields. Is mind to mind communication achievable if we simply researched and worked on it ourselves? We may say "your ears are ringing, or I was just thinking of you!, or I dreamt of you" but does it seem that surprising. Perhaps we aren't conciously aware of our perceptiveness. Challenge yourself to 'tune in' daily. Communicate with others, including those in other dimensions. We are all made out of the same 'stuff' add some momentum and we are all merely energy. Travel! Communicate! Merge!

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