Friday, August 29, 2008

todas las cosas son un

Yo-loha my fuzzy friends,
I'm having a pretty good week! fun bbq on the weekend, farewell sushi dinner sunday, monday jammed with tedd, tues play golf and got comped tickets to the show "Waikiki Nei" in um... Waikiki, last night grilled fresh uhu, ulua, flounder and fucking ono. It's great to have a spearfishing roomate.

Today, wanted to work out but my mind is exploding with revelations, can I share my shootcase self?.....nodding? giggling?, then read on! read on my friends! my ohana, my tribe!

So! reading Tao of Physics and I melt into the eastern mysticism, like silk down comforter, like swimming in chocolate soy milk, if every pore on my being was an eardrum and I was shrink wrapped in bose earphones, yeah, it's comfortable.
I melt into it, breathe slower, calm, smile, connect. Then comes the complement. The balance of physics, (check it, the book is completeness, all sides), and physics is building, it's linear, system of blocks: 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 ,9 , but its not nine blocks its one block, for some reason that is so much more difficult for me to grasp.

Look at the wave not the particle,
Look at the packet not the wave.
Look at at the field not the packet,
Look at the particle not the field.
It is all the same. Like fish swimming in the same direction as the river current. A light wave can be a particle and an electron particle become a wave. I guess its like vapor>water>ice, it's all the same.
It gets largersmaller, but it really looks like O.

Energy is mass* speed of light squared. Momentum is mass*velocity. But it is impossible to adequately experience/determine/observe a position and momentum at the same time. Similarly, it is impossible to adequately determine energy and duration simultaneously. They are, respectively, inversely related... Is that why the great times seems so short and the low energy calm times move slow? Is it all just perception? an illusion? are they really the same length?

So my mind wanders and strains, mathmatical equations, do you see the derivatives here?...particle wave packet field, all of what is bigger, or smaller, just derivative, like financial products...keros you know this from your lehman day(s)*. Mortgage loan> mortgage backed security> CDO> credit default swap>etc etc. All based on rules. Know the rules, and go one step further. The rules are quantifiable fields, then take another step till THAT position is quantifiable.
I realize a problem so far in this existence is that I constantly question the occurrence and origination of current rules. I ask "WHY IS THIS THE RULE HERE!" This process is thoroughly inhibiting, it's unprogressive, it's futile. I should rather simply accept the presence of the rules and continue resting/serving (praying) for ways to get AROUND the rule, then I will be able to create another 'rule' and expand...for whatever that word means.
I don't want to be standing there, accusing "Why is this wall in front of me? Can someone please tell my why this wall is here?! In front of me!" Rather, I look at the wall, yes, it's there, now lets figure out how to get over/around/under, lets allow my guides to show me how to become the wall and walk through the wall.
A particle can only be defined in relation to other particles. So by definition it's only relation, relativity, basic connection....complementary. As we cannot determine momentum and position simultaneously, we can only offer probabilities, ranges of acceptable positions when momentum is known, ranges of momentum when position is known. However, there is no fundamental significance. These characteristics can only be determined in connection to the whole, and these connections are of a statistical nature, probabilities rather than certainties, therefore there cannot be precision, especially when we, as the observer, become a participant by the mere act of observing.
you feel me chenz? half dome as half dome, then half dome as so much more than half dome, now half dome as half dome. My mind is about to explode, I should open a blog.....maybe I will.
I have so much love for you both. I am so grateful you are in my life and we have shared great times, and that we will share much more! Me Ke Aloha. Malama pono.
*this play on words is not meant to solicit traumatic memories, I sincerely apologize if it caused a drastic change in emotion... if it did, maybe that is something we should all explore further. but regardless : if can, apologies. all aloha.